Our Services
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What we offer
All about Chiropractic
There’s nothing mysterious about chiropractic care. It’s a natural method of health care that doesn’t use dangerous drugs or surgery, but focuses on correcting the causes of physical problems, rather than just treating the symptoms. Chiropractic is based on a simple but powerful premise. The nervous system controls and coordinates all the functions of the body and a normally functioning spine allows the nervous system to work without interference. Therefore, with a normally functioning spine, your body is then better able to heal itself and function at a higher level.
Chiropractic Neurology
Currently there are 525 board-certified chiropractic neurologists worldwide recognized by the American Chiropractic Association and five in Indiana. While neurology has always been the basis of chiropractic, advanced training in the discipline allows the practitioner to serve patients at a higher level.
Kid Specific Care
We know there are a lot of you who just want the best for your kids. Well here at NHFC we do too and we've got some proven methods that will help you turn those wishes into results.
Massage Therapy
This is a customized massage for the specific needs of each client based on what the therapist recommends. Different modality options could include Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, myofascial technique, trigger point work, medical cupping, hot-stone, or a different modality.
Our clinic offers m-HBOT (mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy) for overall health and wellness. The pressure created pushes excess oxygen in the plasma of the blood, which then can reach many places in the body that may need healing or general maintenance.
Cranial Facial Release
CFR is an approach to help things like breathing disorders, sinusitis, snoring, sleep apnea, deviated septums, migraine headaches, vertigo, facial pain (Trigeminal Neuralgia), facial paralysis (Bell’s Palsy), TMJ disorder, Post-Concussion Syndrome, seizures and other neurological disorders.
FEMM, Fertility Education and Medical Management, is one of the many natural fertility awareness methods. It educates and empowers women to make informed decisions about their reproductive health through learning how to recognize the hormonal and other vital signs of health that your body is already giving you.
Nutritional Supplements and Counseling
Our clinic carries only the highest quality supplement brands. Our doctors routinely recommend personalized supplements for our patients with an emphasis on promoting health and preventing disease. Our doctors also often individually counsel our patients regarding natural food and dietary strategies to promote health.
Customized Orthotics
Our clinic is proud to offer digital foot testing through Foot Levelers Company. This testing may be necessary to address postural or mechanical problems with the feet as well as evaluate your posture from the ground up. Fallen arches in the feet commonly affect the alignment and function of the spine and pelvis. See below to learn more about Foot Levelers Custom Orthotics: